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Jig - Smith - CB Muramasa 3S

Jig - Smith - CB Muramasa 3S

Regular price $19.90
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Smith - CB Muramasa 3S

The concept is 3S of "Spiral Slide Long Stay".

(A) Center balance Asymmetrical single-sided full flat shape slides laterally while spiraling with cleanliness.

(B) Stay long in a horizontal position.

The vertical movement in jerk & fall is extremely short, and the horizontal posture is maintained for a long time, so the target layer can be traced without gaps.
Even when the tide is stopped or when the activity is low and the reaction only occurs at the bottom, you can take the time to appeal and invite the fish in front of the fish.
It is also effective for root fish because it can be attacked by licking the bottom.


・ It is recommended to use CB Muramasa 3S when the line is slack in the opposite tide or when the activity is low, and CB Masamune / CB Nagamasa when the line is stretched or the activity is high .

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